Wednesday 27 May 2020

1st June

Hi Year 4, we hope you had a wonderful half term.

This week is the start of our new topic which is called 'Traders and Raiders'. It is all about the Anglo Saxons and the Vikings coming to live here.
Usually we would visit a reconstructed Anglo Saxon village called West Stow, at the start of our topic. It is about 20 miles from Mulbarton. So this week, for your first topic lesson, you will be watching a couple of short videos about West Stow and the Anglo Saxons settling here.

The English lessons this week (Monday-Thursday) will be more like the ones we have in class, where we read to you from a book and then you have a task to complete afterwards. 
You will need to copy and paste the links.
(Mondays lesson is longer than the others and I'm afraid I repeated myself a little, as it is the first time I've done this. Bear with me though please, they improve as the week goes on and the rest are only 8 minutes long!) I hope you enjoy them:

On Wednesday, you may want to use this outline of Beowulf.

On Friday, please could you revise the words on the list here. These words are some of the National Curriculum words for year 4. (Every Friday, we will give you some more words from the list, so that by the end of term you will have revised the whole year 4 list.) You can learn the words in the same way that you learn your weekly spellings, or use the sheet as a handwriting lesson every Friday. If you are finding them rather tricky, you could try to learn half of them please, that would be great.

Here is the Year 4 maths for this week.
Here is Year 5, if you want to challenge yourself.
Here are some challenges for Friday or as extensions to use during the week.

Lesson 1: Please could you watch these two short videos on you tube about West Stow and the Anglo Saxons.

Lesson 2: Please read through this power point and complete the activity on it. You will need to use this sheet.

Our new science topic for this half term is called 'Living Things in their Habitats'.
This week could you read through this power point please.
Week 1 
LO: Understand the characteristics of living things and recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways. 
Work through the Life Processes PowerPoint. Afterwards, explain the acronym MRS NERG to someone else. What are the 7 life processes of a living thing? 

(An acronym is a word whose letters are the first letters of other words.) 

Hope you have a great week year 4. Take care and best wishes from us all.

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