Thursday 31 January 2019

This week we have been preparing for assembly all about teeth.  We have had fun learning and reciting the old Pam Ayres poem 'I wish I'd looked after my teeth'. 

Our topic has now moved down the body and we are thinking about all the horrible things that happen to our food as it makes its way through.

We have been practising speech punctuation and using inverted commas (speech marks). We can now imagine the most amazing conversations.

 In maths, we have used equipment to help divide 2 digit numbers by single digits. We have discovered remainders and worked out how we can exchange tens for units.

Thursday 24 January 2019

This week, we discovered that you can protect the calcium in an egg by coating it with flouride from toothpaste. We soaked treated and untreated eggs in acetic acid (vinegar) and compared their shells. Can you tell which is which?

We have spent some time this week looking at newspapers and have begun to write our own accounts of the wolf attack on the Icelandic village. The children have had great fun inventing characters to interview.

In maths, the children have been finding ways to  multiply 2 digit numbers by single digits. They have used a range of apparatus and have begun to use formal written methods.

 We have also carried out some mathematics assessments, and the children are all very proud of the impressive progress that they have made.

We have reminded the children to keep practising their times tables. There is still plenty of room in the 66 club! 

Don't forget that our year 4 assembly will be at 2.15pm on Friday 1st February. We look forward to seeing you then.

Thursday 17 January 2019

This week, we have been finding out what happens when we clean our teeth. We stained our teeth using disclosing tablets, which showed how much plaque was left on our teeth. What we discovered was that those children who cleaned their teeth in the way their dentist told them to, had the cleanest teeth. What a surprise!

In maths, we have been exploring multiplication and have been finding out about commutativity and associative law. This means that it doesn't matter what order we multiply numbers in, we just need to find the easiest way to do it. We have also explored factors and prime numbers.

In English, we have thought about exploration and adventure and why people might want to visit Iceland. We have written adverts to persuade them to go.

The children have continued to access Bug Club in school and are enthusiastic to use it at home. Please let us know if you experience any difficulties getting on.

Friday 11 January 2019

Today, inspired by 'Arthur and the Golden Rope', we worked together to write a piece of free verse about books. 

Books can be a world of wonder
Anything you want
A path to wisdom
Dangerous and safe.
Lead to treasure
Your own adventure.
Your own expedition.

There are enough in the world to create a sea
Go look and you will see
They will live for eternity.

Books are funny things.
Educational, inspirational teachers.
So pick up a book and FLY away.

Cars taking you on a quest
Across the world
Through your imagination.
Can be funny but can be scary


Words shimmer over a shining sea
In books
like diamonds in a cave.
Fly away.
Laugh away.

Thursday 10 January 2019

Welcome back to a new year and a new term, We hope that you had an enjoyable and peaceful holiday.

As an introduction to our topic, 'Burps, bottoms and bile',we started this week by thinking about teeth. We looked at the types of teeth and their function and we made models and drew sketches. 

We also began to look at this term's English book: 'Arthur and the Golden Rope', in which we immersed ourselves in the fascinating fantasy world of Sir Arthur Brownstone.

In maths this week, we have been undertaking inspirational challenges that help children to develop their resilience, creativity and team working. The children have amazed themselves with what they have been able to achieve.
The children have all been reminded that they have logon details for Bug Club. It is a brilliant resource to encourage reading, both at school and home. Please encourage your child to go on as often as possible.