Thursday 28 March 2019

Weekly news beginning 25th March 2019

This week, we have continued our adventures in sound. In science, we constructed electrical circuits to make buzzers work. The noise was unbearable, so we considered how we could absorb the sound with different materials and then used decibel meters to measure their effectiveness.

We also continued to use ICT to record our podcasts on how sound travels. Next week, we will edit in some of the tracks that we have made on Garage Band.

In English, we have imagined what a world would be like without life and colour and then have thought about how the old man in our story could go about changing that.

In maths we have begun to think about decimal fractions.

Our maths cafe went very well this week, and the children had a great deal of fun exploring ways to learn and remember the multiplication facts.

We were particularly pleased with our cityscape arrays, which we will put up on display.

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