Thursday, 20 June 2019

Weekly News. Week Beginning 17th June 2019

Thank you to everyone who came to the Summer Fayre. The children all performed beautifully!

This week, we have been learning how to draw and use line graphs in maths. 

In English, we have been finding out about the conditions that some children in developing countries have to live in. The children all created insightful responses in the form of free verse poetry. At the end of the week we will be looking at how Isatou Ceesay, the lady from Gambia in our class non-fiction book, makes purses using carrier bags. The children will be trying to make their own crafts using carrier bags. 

In topic, the children began to research their chosen US landmark and will be going on to create their own tourism leaflet next week. 

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Weekly News. Week Beginning 10th June 2019

In English this week, the children continued working on 'One Plastic Bag', a book about recycling in Gambia, Africa. They used research they did last week to create some excellent posters about plastic pollution.  

In maths, we have been looking at bar charts and have been drawing some of our own using results from the class. Who knew we all had such good taste in favourite films? 

We have continued our work on electrical circuits this week and have begun to design our own electrical games.

On Tuesday, we were treated to a fantastic performance of Alice in Wonderland by a theatre company, which we all enjoyed immensely! 

We have been busy practising our dance for the Summer Fayre on Friday. We are looking forward to seeing you there. 

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Weekly News. Week Beginning 3rd June 2019

This week, the children began their new topic, Road Trip USA, by imagining that the school grounds were the United States of America. They had to find and visit fourteen different states that were marked out on the field. Once they had done that, they had to locate the states in an atlas and really began to appreciate quite how vast the USA is. Over the next few weeks, we will be developing these geographical skills as well as thinking about what life is like for the people that live there. We will also think about the many native American tribes.

In English, we have started reading a non fiction book about plastic waste in Africa. We will be focusing on this issue for the next few weeks.

In maths, the Children are again looking at time in digital and analogue, as well as 12 and 24 hour. If your child has a watch, we strongly recommend that they wear it as often as possible as it can make a magical difference to their learning of this sometimes tricky topic.