This week, we have been exploring the myth
of the Kraken and have written class poems inspired by the appearance of this
terrifying monster in ‘Pugs of the Frozen North’. If you would like to read the
Giraffe’s poem, I have attached it below. Be careful not to read it too late at
night! We are now following the Great North Race and have been drawing maps to
show our understanding.
In Maths, we have continued to explore the
effects of dividing by one, and have been representing our thinking with bar
models. We are also looking at multiplication and division facts for the 6
times table.
This week, The Giraffes have been very busy
with Lions and the year 3 classes rehearsing for our play, ‘Bah Humbug!’ the
singing is already amazing and next week we need to ensure that the Children
are able to say their lines without having their scripts on stage. The help
that you give your children with this is greatly appreciated.
The Kraken
Kraken sneaks sneakily
With long scary tentacles
Ice breaking like glass
Dropping from the sky
Clear crackling ice with
slimy slithery Kraken rising,
Massive rock tentacles
As frightening as a great
white shark
As long as six pythons
Body rising like snakes
Most ancient, enormous
fearful Kraken.
Skin silver like a shark
Enormous like skyscrapers
Overwhelming power and
Fearless danger
Snaky tentacles like endless
roller coasters
Fast as a bullet, demands
Gliding through darkness.
Slithering like snakes
Eyes full of fear
Frightening, sharp beak, tearing prey.
Scraping sharp points.
Big bulging eyes like giants
Crashing on the sea like
huge waves
Sharp, strong killing claws
Body like red-hot steaming
You will never see it